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    9+1 Things You Can't Miss In Budapest This Winter

    The Hungarian capital has a lot of unique fun in store for the wintertime. Be it outdoors, drink and dance, culture or awesome old buildings transformed into something else. Here's a selection of hot and cool things for the cold months.

    Outdoors Activities

    1. Sliding along Heros' Square

    What better backdrop to your routine skating exercise than a historic square. Go to City-Park and slide over the lake!

    2. Walking - for the Adventurous

    Find your way up to Sissy Tower on top of Janos Hill - can be a bit windy, but the enchanting panorama over the whole city compensates for all.

    3. Floating - for the Leisurely

    If you are into sitting while outdoors: a boat trip on the Danube is just for you - up to the scenic river bend and back, or up and down the city.

    Party Alternatives

    4. Hot Spirits
    Drinking mulled wine at the Christmas market at Vörösmarty tér will amazingly elevate your "holiday and party-spirits".

    5. Groovy Transformation
    You think you know how a pub should look and feel like? Well, visit any of the amusing ruin pubs scattered around town.

    6. Spot the Difference
    The question of entertainment is always tough. In Budapest, with the highest density of bars and clubs centered around the admirably eclectic Gozsdu yard - it's quite easy (or hard?) to make your pick.

    Unescapable Exhibition Spaces

    7. Where am I?

    Times change. Unlike in his time, when he was gravely unappreciated, you have the opportunity to get to know Csontváry, the visionary genius Hungarian painter. The permanent exhibition in the Hungarian National Gallery is a virtual dream voyage to the Mediterranean - with no return.

    8. What Time is it?

    From clocks through household gadgets of long and not-so-long gone eras, retro technology exhibited at the hybrid museum-storage place of the Museum of Technology will captivate you, whatever your field of interest. Many artifacts are not only for looking but touching and operating, too.

    9. What on Earth is it?

    All museums are the same, you might say: they show things. Well, not this one. It's INVISIBLE. Experience life as a blind person. Beware, it may have a long-lasting effect on your perception!

    +1 Magic Spool Sparty

    You were wondering about how deep and thorough this list was? Without mentioning even one of the famous Hungarian baths? We kept it for the last, since our choice contains all 3 elements: it's (partly) outdoors, it's a party and its unescapable. See you on Saturdays at Spool Sparty in Széchenyi and Lukács Baths.