

Strive to be better then the person you are today, find your goals- improve for yourself. Love yourself for who you are. Push yourself up- on your own two feet. Work hard, and enjoy life. Be the type of person that no matter how your life is - even if every element of your life suddenly changed, if you loose your job, your friends, your family, your love, your health.. if you loose everything, don't waver in who you are. You'll start fresh. You'll move forward. You would move on- improve, be better, stronger, and in the end it would all work out. The people who care about you, they stand by you, listen, push and expect you to be better then you are, because they know you can be. They believe in you, and so should you. With people who care surrounding you, you know you can meet any challenge the world can throw at you. But you must first be able to do it on your own. All you need to do is love yourself, believe in yourself. You can do anything.

Sep 2010
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