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    16 Steps To Totally Boss Summer Safety With The Kids

    Don't let anything cast a dark cloud over your summer fun. Keep the kids safe and lap up those rays. Sunshine ... here we come!

    Ah, summer.

    The time of sun, sea and sand. Or should that be rain showers, screaming and sticky hands?

    This year, show the summer who's boss by totally owning sun safety.

    WARNING: this post will result in sand invading every inch of your home. Even your winter wardrobe.

    1. Buy some sweet shades and a snapback for your little divas and watch them strut into summer like the coolest kid in town

    Little do they know their fashion accessories are also protecting them from harmful UV rays!

    2. And go scratch-resistant and all round UV protected

    To withstand the rough and tumble of kids play

    3. Remember to check the size and fit too

    After all, you don't want them slipping off your kids face when they're running on the beach.

    4. And always match the glasses to your child's face shape

    You want to make sure the lenses cover the eyes fully and are comfortable to wear.

    5. Next, work out how to get your kid to keep their glasses on for longer than 5 seconds

    That's the correct part of their body too – mouths, feet and bums don't count.

    6. Some parents say dressing up your kids favourite toy in matching summer attire can help

    Looking good Mr. Bear

    7. Or that encouraging them to wear their sunglasses indoors will work

    A few selfies won't go amiss either.

    8. But choosing a pair of sunnies with a strong curve along the arm and earpiece helps too

    The steeper the curve, the stronger the grip.

    9. And picking them something that looks cool won't do any harm

    What YOU lookin' at?

    10. Anything plastered with the current 'flavour of the month' character is sure to be a hit

    Now you might struggle to get them to stop wearing their shades.

    11. But you can also try different colour options, patterns and novelty frames

    Take the kids shopping with you to make sure they get a pair they'll actually want to wear.

    12. If your child needs glasses, you can opt for prescription sunglasses too

    Eyes are up to ten times more sensitive to UV sun damage than skin so you really can't afford to take any chances.

    13. Once you've mastered this part of the summer prep, it's time to run the suncream gauntlet

    Good luck …

    14. Little bodies need plenty of protection from the sun so smother them in SPF

    OK, maybe not that much.

    15. One of these handy spray bottle varieties can help get the required coverage with less mess

    Nivea, Soltan, Clinique and Garnier Ambre Solaire are good brands to try and this one even has a minion on it to get the kids excited!

    16. But you can also get kids to apply it themselves to make life a little easier

    Make sure they apply it at least 30 minutes before sun exposure so the skin has time to absorb it.

    With all the sun protection taken care of, all that's left is for you to have fun with the kids! Build a sandcastle, bury dad on the beach or go paddling in the sea – the world is your oyster.