People Are Sharing Their Red Flags When Looking For A Job, And It's Pretty Eye-Opening

    "Unfortunately, in my experience, after two years, you may be laid off once your managers realize that your role was unnecessary from the start. This has happened to me twice."

    Listen — looking for a job sucks. It just does. And when potential employers are trying to scam you straight out of the gate, the job hunt can be even more frustrating.

    A smiling woman on a job interview sitting across from the interviewer

    Redditor u/Zdvj recently asked the people of Reddit, "What are some job-posting red flags that scream, 'Stay away'?" There are some good tips in here, so happy hunting, my friends.

    1. "I agreed to a Zoom interview, showed up looking professional, and noticed eight other guys attending as well. The guy who called me said, 'Okay, guys, the presentation starts in 10 minutes; take notes because there will be questions at the end.' Noped right out then and there."


    A woman sitting at a computer screen with other Zoom participants on the screen

    2. "Any use of the word 'rock star.'"


    3. "'Fast-paced environment.' That usually means absolute chaos with no one in charge."


    A woman at a desk with Post-its flying in the air and a clock behind her

    4. "'Salary to be discussed.' Every single job I've gone for where the salary wasn't disclosed up front in the interview was severely underpaid."


    5. "'Urgently hiring multiple candidates.'"


    6. "'Flexible schedule' means, 'We expect you to be very flexible with our poor scheduling.'"


    7. "'Startup culture' means 'a disorganized hot mess of egos.'"


    8. "'We are a family' companies expect you to be fine with getting underpaid and doing endless overtime because, hey, they order food once in a while for the team, which is so cool..."


    9. "'Unique challenges' means 'constant clusterfuck.'"


    People fighting at a podium and throwing chairs

    10. "'Salary based on experience' is code for 'lowest-possible salary.'" If it is a government job and the salary range is $35,000–$50,000…the salary is $35,000. No negotiations. If the job has a date range that states when they will be accepting applications and that range is fewer than seven days, they most likely already have an internal candidate for the job and are legally required to post the job for other applicants. State government and public universities do this all the time."


    11. "'Occasional overtime' means 'Just say goodbye to your family because you'll never leave the office again.'"


    A person sitting at a laptop with their hands cupping their forehead

    12. "Whenever they say they are looking for someone to fill a 'new role,' it often means there is no predefined job description, and no one has a clear idea of what your tasks will be. It can be chaotic, leaving you unsure about the nature of your job. Unfortunately, in my experience, after two years, you may be laid off once your managers realize that your role was unnecessary from the start. This has happened to me twice."


    13. "'Must have a bubbly personality.' Fuck off."


    14. "When the pay is advertised as 'up to...' instead of the starting base pay amount being given."


    A person holding an open billfold above a desktop with a laptop, calculator, credit cards, bank statement, and cash

    15. "Not listing the pay. That shouldn’t be legal."


    16. "Oddly specific requirements, meaning that they already know the person they want to hire but are obligated to make an open call for the position. In other words, you will waste your time applying."


    An employment application with a pair of eyeglasses on top of it

    17. "Too many HR buzzwords."


    18. "They say they've been growing rapidly for the last 50 years but you've never heard of them. It's probably going to be an MLM (multilevel marketing) recruiting session, not an actual job interview."


    19. "'Entry level' and 'three to five years' experience required' don't belong in the same job posting."


    20. "'Work hard, play hard': 90-hour workweeks, all time off denied, your boss will show up personally to yell at you if and when you get sick."


    A woman resting her face on her desk in front of a laptop and tablet

    Agree? Disagree? Have your own additions? See you in the comments!

    Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.