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    This Is What The Glossie Brush Is Actually Like

    It's called the Glossie and it's actually pretty damn cool.

    Hello internet, Lara here, and I spend a good portion of my day on the internet, duh! I also spend a good portion of my day refusing to do my hair because I'm lazy and it's still recovering from being fried x1000. That's because a little over a year ago, I went full on mermaid-style with blueeeee as hell hair.

    So, a couple of weeks ago, when I saw the InStyler Glossie brush ($69.99) on the good 'ole interwebs, I wanted to try it.

    The Glossie also comes with a "Precision Press" which I assume is the little clamp to help keep your hair in place while going over the strands with the heated brush.

    So knowing all of this, and knowing how little time I want to dedicate to styling my hair, I tried it!

    To begin, here's a photo of my hair after air-drying naturally. Sorry for using the flash.

    The Glossie brush is *very* easy to use, but it definitely didn't make my poor, poor damaged locks look straight in just one pass. It took more like two to four passes, which isn't a huge deal for me.

    The brush has a clip to help hold your hair down for maximum straightening abilities, which I really appreciated.

    Here's a picture of my hair after using the Glossie brush on one side:

    All in all, I am a fan. My hair was still slightly puffy after use, but it didn't feel as crispy and burnt and felt noticeably softer. I would definitely use this brush again. (And already have.)

    Get it from Amazon now for $69.99.

    BuzzFeed received the Glossie brush to try free of charge.