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    10 Side Effects Of Wanderlust

    Wanderlust: the desire to travel. The impulse to go places and discover. The longing for a city that has yet to be explored by your senses. And the need to always be planning your next journey.

    1) You'll never be able to see a sunset again without thinking of the one that changed your life. The first one in your first foreign destination. It was so beautiful it brought tears to your eyes.

    2) People will become annoyed with you. You can't stop talking about your experiences while traveling, or the places you want to go, or the people you met.

    3) You will view things differently than those who haven't traveled. Not better, not worse...just different.

    4) Your work productivity will decrease. Look, once you type in "wanderlust" on Tumblr, Pinterest, Reddit or even're done for. Next thing you now, two hours have passed and all you can think about it is elephants.

    5) You will spend a ridiculous amount of money on anything that has a map. Phone covers, posters, sheets, notebooks, pens, towels, passport covers, shirts, etc.…you name it, I want it. It reminds me of future adventures.

    6) You will cling to anyone from the countries you spent time in. "Did you say you're from Australia?!?!? I totally studied abroad there. We're practically best friends already!!!"

    7) You will lose sleep. You will stay up late at night thinking about all the places you have yet to see. Then you might try to narrow it down to a top 5 list. Then you might try to imagine that feeling you get being in a new country. Then, it's 4 a.m.

    8) Your interests will change. Soccer? Hmm pretty boring. 4 months later after visiting Europe: OMG I LOVE SOCCER. Soccer is the best sport. And rugby > football. THEY DON’T WEAR PADS.

    9) Seeing an airplane in the sky will never be the same. Now, every time you see an airplane, you’re going to have to force your body to not run screaming after it begging it to take you somewhere…ANYWHERE.

    10)'ll never, ever find a cure. "Once the travel bug bites there is no known antidote and I know that I shall be happily infected for the rest of my life."