This Politician Says The Rainbow Pride Flag Belongs To A "Hostile Nation" That Declared War On Australia

    There's a lot to unpack here.

    Senator Eric Abetz has complained about the rainbow pride flag being flown in the foyer of a government department, saying it belongs to a "hostile nation" that has declared war on Australia.

    The comments came as Abetz told a Senate committee that the "activist" pride flag should not be flown, as it represents support for same-sex marriage.

    "Just for what it's worth, by way of some slight humour on this issue, this particular flag you will realise is the flag of the Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands that declared war on Australia," he said.

    The comment created much consternation – but Abetz wasn't making it up.

    The Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands declared itself an independent nation from Australia in 2004, protesting changes to the Marriage Act that enshrined in legislation the definition of marriage as between a man and a woman.

    It is a micronation and not recognised as a sovereign state.

    "This is their official flag, and of course it's the flag of a hostile nation if we are to believe them [as] having declared war on Australia," Abetz said.

    He then conceded: "I dare say that wasn't the reason it was flown."

    Senator Mathias Cormann, smiling, said there would be a "flag inquiry" and that "it's certainly not our intention to fly the flags of hostile nations."

    Jokes about the micronation aside, Abetz wasn't kidding about the rainbow flag.

    He told the committee: "There was the rainbow flag on display in the [Department of Finance] lobby, which, believe it or not, some people see as an activist flag for a particular cause in relation to whether or not we should change the legislation on marriage. Some people, of course, support that cause, others don't."

    Abetz urged the department to make sure no flags identified with "certain political campaigns that might upset [department] staff be flown".

    He also suggested the flags of anti same-sex marriage groups be allowed to fly.

    Abetz noted the Israeli flag was not flown in the foyer of the department during prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu's recent visit to Australia.