A Cat And Dog Got Married On "Real Housewives Of Sydney" To Support Marriage Equality And Just WTF


    In case you were wondering how Australia's marriage equality debate is going, this week on The Real Housewives of Sydney, a dog and cat were married to promote the cause.

    The wedding, part of The RHOS season finale on Sunday night, came to light when real housewife Christa Billich told fellow real housewife Matty Samaei: "Charlie is getting married."

    "Oh, is she?! Who's the lucky dog?"

    "She's going to marry a pussy cat."


    Just to acquaint you with this saga's major players. Say hello to Christa.

    And this is Christa's dog Charlie.

    This is Matty. And also me, you and everyone else watching.

    Thankfully Matty appeared on screen to to, ah, explain: "Christa is a big advocate for gay marriage and she is trying to promote the gay marriage rights in Australia."

    Righto. Onwards.

    The wedding itself was held on the sunny shores of Sydney Harbour.

    Matty declared: "Today is a big day for Frosty the cat and Charlie the puppy to get married, and I am the maid of honour... it's going to be a fun event to promote equal marriage for the gays and lesbians."

    Meanwhile, the real housewives had something to say about the nuptials, except for Victoria Rees, who didn't turn up.

    "This is preposterous. This is ridiculous. I have never heard of anything more bizarre in my life."

    "I don't even know this cat and I don't know the dog from a bar of a soap, but if it's a party and there's going to be champagne there, why not?"

    "Did anyone bring tissues? I'm going to vomit."

    They all watched on as cat Frosty (below), who seriously doesn't want to be there, and dog Charlie, are carried down the aisle.

    Given the two animals are from different species, and one is male and the other female, the connection with same-sex marriage is not clear.

    "As we stand here today, we should take a moment to realise how truly special this occasion is," the celebrant said.

    "In fact, it's the first of its kind. It's the first public wedding ceremony performed for a couple of the non-human kind." (This is not true.)

    Frosty and Charlie kissed, kind of, and everyone headed off to the reception.

    Finally Victoria turned up and revealed that she didn't attend the ceremony because she thought it was bullshit.

    And then she had the last word (on the wedding, anyway) with some much needed sanity: "I really don't think Frosty and Charlie could give a flying fuck that I didn't turn up to watch them get married."