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    Homosexuality On Tv

    What is the cause for the recent surge of Homosexuality on TV?

    After watching shows like Empire, Grey's Anatomy and How to get away with Murder, I began to question why the surge of Homosexuality on tv. There were always shows that figured Gay people but lately it seems as if, its tripped. I am not a homophobe, I'm just questioning the reason. Political? Legalization of Marriage? You tell me.

    Homosexuality on TV

    This may sound disrespectful but I do not wish to offend. Why do I feel like Television is pushing homosexuality on us? I know it represents everyday relationships, but I feel like producers are adding it into shows as a trend or shock value. That was the original post I made on Facebook a week ago; that stemmed a lot of controversy. Here are a few of the comments:

    Shaniqua(Straight): Politics and the media both glorify being Gay as if it's a new trend. I feel like Political figures treat it as a new social class or ethnicity.

    Princess J(gay): It's funny how everyone has so much to say about Gays being pushed on tv. It's the same way Whites felt when Blacks began showing up on tv. One shouldn't judge it's about awareness and believe it or not television is what makes others view life differently: GAY IS THE NEW BLACK!

    David (straight): In response to Nick: Very good point but being Black and Gay are two totally different things. I cannot choose to be Black, but you can choice your sexual preference.

    All I'm saying is they is nothing wrong with the LGBT community being on TV; they have always been in movies, shows and everything else. To say that "gay is the new Black" I do not agree with. As a Black woman, I do not want to be considered a trend. I feel like society has a quota to hit. For example, tv shows like Sex in the City and Girls got a lot of backlash for being filmed in New York City, the mecca of diversity and no Black characters. What happens next season, token Black person. Gay people have gained a lot more rights than African Americans have in a much shorter time. Hell Sex in the City had 3x the amount of Gay characters than Black. I don't remember seeing anyone Black until Samantha started dating Blair Underwood, but thats neither here nor there.

    However, now that gays are legally allowed to marry, and elections are approaching, with Homosexuality and immigration as top arguments. Apart of me feels pressure to watch this on tv, because they are just trying to rile people up on the topic. Homosexuality is still a touchy subject in this country, just as racism is. But I will agree with Dave and say that sexual preference is a choice. Attraction, on the other hand, is uncontrollable, you choose to act on it. So aren't our actions, choices that we make.

    ​All this got me thinking maybe I am judgmental. Judging Gay's on TV is hypocritical because I praise Black actors for finally getting a shot at the big times. Yet, I am questioning why characters are homosexual. And for that I am wrong, thanks Princess for helping me understand. I am Pro Love! But GAY IS NOT THE NEW BLACK!

    Tell me what you think. Is Homosexuality being forced on society or are we overreacting?