
Kyra D.

I wrote this years ago and it's all pretty much still accurate...[okay, I had to take out the "naturally blond, unnaturally brunette part ;) ] I'm a sucker for blue eyes. I'm a nocturnal insomniac. i love to speed. total movie buff. periodic alcoholic. I'm the type of person who has to try something myself to see if it's bad, and then again just to make sure. people take me for granted and regret it when it's entirely too late. I'm gullible. I'm extremely picky but get attached too easily. I'm a people pleaser. I can procrastinate for hours. I get stir crazy. i give advice i should take myself. there's nothing better than lying in bed all day with someone you care about. I'm a dreamer. reality is just a figment of your imagination. one day I'm going to be famous. I'm extremely laid back and easy going. I have issues and should have "HANDLE WITH CARE" tattooed on my forehead. It's the little things that count. bipolarism's a bitch. strawberries n' cream is a weakness. my life is a lyrical quote. don't judge me for what you know but what you learn. everyone deserves a second chance to make a first impression. I live in the past, stress the future and forget about the now. I'm never going to grow up. i'm smarter than i act. i love the beach at 2am. my heart's in the right place but my head's a lil lost but once i get ahold of that map my life will be amazing....

Oct 2009
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