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    6 Ways To Kick #BigSoda Off Campus

    A #HealthyCampus doesn't sell soda to students. Yet many universities are paid millions by soda companies to push sugar. It's time to kick #BigSoda off campus for good. Here are six ways to start.

    1. Go soda-free.

    View this video on YouTube / Via UCSF

    It's possible. The University of California - San Francisco only sells healthy beverages on their campus. Students can drink whatever they want, but schools don't need to sell them junk.

    2. Cut soda contracts.

    View this video on YouTube

    Did you know that soda companies pay universities millions of dollars to sell and promote soda on their campuses? Dr. Pepper even ran a college campaign where they paid a dental student's tuition. Think he tells his patients to quit soda for dental health?

    3. Educate the campus.

    4. Increase soda taxes.

    5. Call out industry-funded science.

    6. Raise funding for obesity prevention efforts.