17 Of Chuckie Finster's Best Lines On "Rugrats"

    The world is my toaster!

    17. When life came at him fast.

    16. When he was too sad and shocked for full sentences.

    15. When he was so misguided it was actually cute.

    14. When he really appreciated his friendship with Tommy.

    13. When he let his paranoia get the best of him.

    12. When he had his priorities straight.

    11. When he was smarter than the other babies.

    10. When he was honest with Angelica.

    9. When he came to this important realization.

    8. When he was so scared he couldn't even say "goosebumps" correctly.

    7. When he asked this really important question.

    6. When he was a kid after all of our hearts.

    5. When he knew without a doubt that love is love.

    4. When he was in deep, meaningful mourning.

    3. When he was optimistic about his future.

    2. When he summed up all of our worst fears about dating.

    1. And when he was the most profound toddler of all time.