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Zayn Malik Has A New Instagram And It'll Destroy Your Soul

Prepare your ovaries.

Angelic being Zayn Malik nearly destroyed the world when he announced he was leaving One Direction.

But luckily, that didn't mean he was going to be gone from our lives forever. In fact, this new, more outgoing Zayn is giving us more than we ever had before.

Starting over with a ~fresh~ new slate, Zayn recently created a brand new Instagram account that is 70% selfies, 20% full body shots, and 10% shirtless. It is truly a blessing.

Let's take a look at the gifts we've received so far.

This powerful, sultry image of him slowly sliding his hand into his front jean pocket.

This ovary-exploding snap of him LITERALLY KISSING A PUPPY.

This seductive selfie that let's you imagine what it's like waking up next to GOD.

This tender moment of the artist at work, showing off his beautiful, impressive talents.

This sultry selfie that says "I'm gonna fuck up your life but it'll be worth it."

This heart-melting Titanic king-of-the-world moment.

And this life-changing selfie featuring his piercing eyes staring straight down deep into your soul.

Thank you for this gift, Zayn. May you continue to bless us all.