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21 Things Only People Who Suck At Makeup Will Understand

More like mascar-y.

1. You have no idea how anyone has the coordination for a cat eye.

2. And being able to put liquid eyeliner on evenly is completely out of the question.

3. When you see a contouring tutorial like this:

You always end up looking like this:

4. Your idea of "blending" eye shadows is just to put one on top of the other.

5. What you think you will look like with a bold eye and lip:

What you actually look like:

6. When you think you've bought the right lipstick shade, until you take it home and actually put it on:

7. When you get done doing your mascara, and you are all like:

8. Whenever you try to match your foundation, and you forget that it's winter now:

9. And just forget matching your foundation to your neck.

10. You know better than to even attempt to put on makeup after you've put on clothes.

11. Every time you try to put on powder, it's like an apocalyptic explosion.

12. When you try to blend your eye shadow with your fingers, and then you forget and touch your face:

13. If you have ever worn fake eyelashes, you ended up looking like a crazy person about halfway through the night.

14. For you, blush only seems to come in two amounts: "can't see it at all" and "I'm about to perform in a ballet recital."

15. When you try to "fill in your eyebrows" you end up looking like you are wearing a disguise.

16. You are almost 100% sure that lip liner is a trap designed to make you look ridiculous.

17. To you, "concealer" means "a substance that you eventually end up smearing all over your damn face."

18. The only highlighters that you can use correctly are the yellow ones you use in school.

19. That goes double for "makeup primer."

20. Even if you get the lipstick off your teeth, the lipstick STILL finds a way to get back on your teeth!

21. When other people try to take off their makeup:

When you try to take off your makeup: