22 Times Men On The Internet Decided They Knew More About What Women Like Than, You Know, Women Themselves

    TIL my Yuri on Ice phase was just for a guy's attention. 😘

    It's no secret that our society is filled with way too many pointlessly gendered products. However, some people on the internet — mostly men — have taken it upon themselves to unnecessarily gender certain hobbies, interests, and basic tasks for us as well.

    So, without further ado, here are some things women shouldn't like according to men on the internet, ie. the true experts on what women enjoy:

    *Please note my sarcasm.

    1. Every anime ever:

    A TikTok user wrote that he hopes the anime trend on the app dies down so "females" will stop pretending to like it just so they can play with his heart

    2. Sporks and — goodness forbid — forks:

    3. Basic household tasks, like mowing the lawn or using the grill:

    4. Getting ripped:

    5. Getting a military discount at Fabletics:

    6. Being supportive of your closest friends:

    7. Eating this nasty-looking steak:

    8. Spending money on your boyfriend:

    9. Cooking only one meal for your family to enjoy:

    10. Saying "whoa" instead of "wow":

    11. Grocery shopping during a global pandemic:

    12. Thinking about football while taking care of business:

    13. Wearing matching outfits:

    14. Loving their firstborn daughters:

    15. Drinking hot coffee:

    16. Having self-esteem:

    17. Using razors marketed toward men on their delicate flower petal skin:

    18. Playing any video game that isn't Candy Crush or Animal Crossing:

    19. Going to bars instead of grabbing a fruity lil' drink at Starbucks:

    20. Any colors that aren't pastel:

    21. Music with bass:

    22. And finally, a successful career in finance:

    H/T r/pointlesslygendered