Sabrina Carpenter Just Released A Song Telling Her Side Of The "Drivers License" Story, And Here Are 23 Of The Best Reactions

    "I’ve never been more invested in Disney stars’ drama."

    Since Olivia Rodrigo dropped "Drivers License" on Jan. 8, the internet has been obsessed with unraveling the story behind the song.

    The latest installment in the Olivia/Joshua/Sabrina saga is Sabrina's new single "Skin," which a lot of people think is her response to "Drivers License."

    @SabrinaAnnLynn / Via Twitter: @SabrinaAnnLynn

    Basically, the drama is once again all over Twitter. Here are some of the best reactions:

    1. This person summed up how all of us feel about getting sucked into the story.

    Me getting invested in the Olivia/Joshua/Sabrina drama knowing it's probably a PR stunt

    @NE3M0 / Cartoon Network / Via Twitter: @NE3M0

    2. The situation bears a striking resemblance to a storyline on Good Luck Charlie.

    Sabrina and Olivia when they finally make up and give us the collab we’ve been waiting for

    @miragesabrina / Disney / Via Twitter: @miragesabrina

    3. This person visualized Sabrina's songwriting process.

    Sabrina in the studio after hearing she got called blonde

    @cocahinabitch / Via Twitter: @cocahinabitch

    4. I mean, who wouldn't feel the same way in her shoes?

    olivia: “you’re probably with that blonde girl” sabrina carpenter:

    @niallinpayne / Via Twitter: @niallinpayne

    5. Sabrina is reliving her Girl Meets World days.

    yall be talking about the sabrina/joshua/olivia when the real memorable love triangle was this one

    @notwylornocrime / Disney / Via Twitter: @notwylornocrime

    6. This fan pointed out a striking similarity to the love triangle storyline on Taylor Swift's Folklore album.

    sabrina carpenter and olivia rodrigo look kinda different here

    @molliekenneyy / Via Twitter: @molliekenneyy

    7. Olivia is probably out there just enjoying the success of her own hit song.

    miss olivia rn after seeing how pressed sabrina got after she called her a “blonde girl”:

    @rikityriks / Via Twitter: @rikityriks

    8. Sabrina, too, must be celebrating her own success.

    y’all sitting here fighting on twitter while sabrina enjoying her highest charting song

    @prxciousboyce / Via Twitter: @prxciousboyce

    9. Both of these talented ladies are just watching their songs rise on the charts.

    Olivia and Sabrina after successfully getting their songs on top cuz it all turned out to be a PR stunt:

    @girlsgaysntheyz / Via Twitter: @girlsgaysntheyz

    10. They won't be the only ones counting their coins when this is over.

    the pr agent who made up the love triangle storyline between olivia, joshua, and sabrina looking at everyone’s tweets:

    @rcsitastark / Via Twitter: @rcsitastark

    11. They're both learning an important lesson the hard way.

    sabrina carpenter. olivia rodrigo. the white man is NOT worth it

    @ptgtreasures / Via Twitter: @ptgtreasures

    12. This person pointed out the biggest truth concerning the whole ordeal.

    i wish i was that invested in studying and planning my future the way im invested in the Olivia Rodrigo, Joshua Bassett and Sabrina Carpenter drama🙄

    @superdeadaadz / Via Twitter: @superdeadaadz

    13. This is what we're all waiting for now.

    me waiting for sabrina and olivia to completely drop joshua and collab

    @ilovetylalol / Via Twitter: @ilovetylalol

    14. This person made a valid point.

    sabrina: i’m used to receiving hate and backlash but i’m not gonna let anyone walk over me hope we can be friends one day though yall:

    @exhaledeluxe / Via Twitter: @exhaledeluxe

    15. This fan spoke nothing but facts.

    breakdown of the misinterpreted lines in “skin” by sabrina carpenter. please read!! ❤️

    @jusswannaexhale / Via Twitter: @jusswannaexhale

    16. She did drop that song pretty quickly, though.

    Sabrina Carpenter after Olivia Rodrigo called her pretty

    @its_niklas / Via Twitter: @its_niklas

    17. Pretty? Oh, I thought you said petty.

    olivia hearing skin for the first time and getting backlash for calling sabrina pretty

    @vaniIla_coffee / Via Twitter: @vaniIla_coffee

    18. But "Skin" is such a bop.

    olivia: god sabrina is so pretty she literally has everything i wish i had sabrina:

    @ella_benhart / Via Twitter: @ella_benhart

    19. It's breaking my heart the same way "Drivers License" did all over again.

    listening to sabrina carpenter’s new song for the first time

    @scrambleddmeggz / Via Twitter: @scrambleddmeggz

    20. Is this music video for Olivia's follow-up single?

    olivia going after sabrina now that she has her drivers license

    @kmirrorball / Via Twitter: @kmirrorball

    21. Actual footage of me scrolling through Twitter today.

    @abigaylegardne2 / Via Twitter: @abigaylegardne2

    22. The Disney Channel hasn't seen this much drama since the Nick/Selena/Miley days.

    just listened to sabrina’s new song about olivia and i’ve never been more invested in disney stars’ drama before

    @jalboyhamirah / Via Twitter: @jalboyhamirah

    23. Nothing but facts here.

    sabrina olivia carpenter 🤝 rodrigo talented women who shouldn't be hated on

    @onedmendesx / Via Twitter: @onedmendesx

    In Sabrina's own words, I hope one day they can both laugh about it. Until then, stream "Drivers License" and "Skin."