I'm Cackling At These 18 Fake Revenge Reviews That Got Debunked By The Business Owners Themselves

    I give all these customers one star.

    In theory, online reviews are a great place to get the inside scoop on the places you plan to visit or the products you plan to buy. However — because we can't have anything nice on the internet — some people write revenge reviews that twist the truth.

    But sometimes, we get a taste of sweet, sweet poetic justice when the business owners themselves step in to respond with the receipts in hand.

    Here are 18 customers who tried to tear down businesses with fake reviews and got called out by the owners:

    1. This disgruntled time traveler:

    2. This rival shop owner, who stooped to catfishing as a famous rapper:

    3. This dastardly Dasher:

    4. This reviewer who's still hung up on their ex:

    5. This car salesperson who forgot how Google works:

    6. This free haircut finesser:

    7. This meddling ex-manager:

    8. This pissed-off Pokémon Go player:

    9. This hater who got terminated by Schwarzenegger:

    10. This embellishment with deadly consequences:

    11. This person who needs to get their watch fixed:

    12. This confusing customer:

    13. This fishy review:

    14. This reviewer, who probably wasn't expecting receipts: 

    15. This testy tenant:

    16. This café customer, who got called out on their own actions:

    17. This bar patron who forgot about security cameras:

    18. And finally, this reviewer who didn't realize they were messing with Sherlock Holmes:

    H/T: r/quityourbullshit and r/trashy