• Viral badge

I'm Very Sorry, But Only People With Vaginas Are Allowed To Read This Post

'ginas only.

1. Ah, vaginas. They're the worst sometimes.

2. Besides the fact that they bleed...

3. They can also negatively alter your whole mood.

4. Because they are so damn powerful.

5. There's nothing worse than having this speculum ~enter~ you.

6. They are really a bother sometimes.

7. You even have to go to a special doctor for them.

8. You're often left with the after effects of cramping.

9. And the bloating is real AF sometimes.

10. There's nothing worse than knowing you can have a front AND a back wedgie.

11. Foreign objects like this get shoved up you.

12. Or sometimes you even have to insert them yourself.

13. Your vagina has a mind of its own.

14. It does not care if you have to ask embarrassing questions.

15. Or go through embarrassing (and uncomfortable) procedures.

16. Tampons are just another thing you have to buy.

17. And you can't go without toilet paper, ever.

18. Your vag makes you take twice as long in public restrooms.

19. Vagina life just sucks sometimes.

20. Like really, really sucks.

21. And you have to keep it (or her, rather) happy at all times.

But — let's look on the bright side — at least we don't have *gasp* PENISES.