15 Things You'll Only Understand If You're A Small-Town Mom


    1. You usually try to lump all your trips into the city together to make the drive worth your while.

    2. You have learned to always have at least a half tank of gas at all times.

    3. It's always been pretty easy to find a babysitter because you have several relatives nearby.

    4. You totally shop at Walmart.

    5. There are always garage sales.

    6. Your family usually gets dinner at the local pizza place at least twice a month.

    7. And whenever you go anywhere, you always run into other moms you know.

    8. If your kids have a playdate, it's always at the same place.

    9. At least two of your other mom friends have a partner who drives a truck.

    10. You don't have to take your kids to the zoo to see a bunch of natural wildlife.

    11. You have mastered dirt-road driving with kids.

    12. Your kid is so used to your small town that when you go to "the city" they think you're traveling to some distant land.

    13. You feel like your kid is safe if they run down the street to play at the neighbors.

    14. Your kids will likely go to high school with the same classmates they had in kindergarten.

    15. Which means you'll be able to build the best bond with all your mom friends throughout the years.