13 Of The Most Exciting Pieces Of Food You Can Get

    They just do.

    1. The middle cinnamon roll.

    2. Any snack that is stuck together.

    3. Frozen Thin Mints.

    4. The ~fatter~ Cheetos.

    5. And the ~folded~ chips.

    6. The piece of cake with writing or flowers on it.

    7. Reese's when they're shaped like eggs.

    8. And candy corn when they're shaped like pumpkins.

    9. The most yellow popcorn pieces.

    10. Sandwiches without crusts.

    11. Chewable, nugget ice like what they serve at Sonic Drive-In.

    12. Candy in ~chewy~ form, like Sprees and Sweettarts.

    13. And, finally, Ranch dressing from restaurants is THE BEST.