29 Common Phrases You'll Be Surprised To Know You're Saying Wrong

    Let's just play it by year... Oops, I mean play it by ear.

    1. "Play it by year" vs. "Play it by ear."

    2. "Old wise tale" vs. "Old wives' tale."

    3. "It's a doggy-dog world" vs. "It's a dog-eat-dog world."

    4. "I could care less" vs. "I couldn't care less."

    5. "Lip sing" vs. "Lip sync."

    6. "No pain, no game" vs. "No pain, no gain."

    7. "Up and Adam" vs. "Up and at 'em."

    8. "Nip it in the butt" vs. "Nip it in the bud."

    9. "For all intensive purposes" vs. "For all intents and purposes."

    10. "Two peas in a pot" vs. "Two peas in a pod."

    11. "Butt naked" vs. "Buck naked."

    12. "Don't take me for granite" vs. "Don't take me for granted."

    13. "Mute point" vs. "Moot point."

    14. "Toilet trees" vs. "Toiletries."

    15. "Right off the back" vs. "Right off the bat."

    16. "Scotch-free" vs. "Scot-free."

    17. "Paper view" vs. "Pay-per-view."

    18. "Straightened arrow" vs. "Straight and narrow."

    19. "Statue of limitations" vs. "Statute of limitations."

    20. "Imparticular" vs. "In particular."

    21. "Piece of quiet" vs. "Peace and quiet."

    22. "Cease and exist" vs. "Cease and desist."

    23. "Ghost is clear" vs. "Coast is clear."

    24. "All-timer's disease" vs. "Alzheimer's disease."

    25. "Global warning" vs. "Global warming."

    26. "Rest to sure, everything is fine" vs. "Rest assured, everything is fine."

    27. "Chester drawers" vs. "Chest of drawers."

    28. "Right from the gecko" vs. "Right from the get-go."

    29. "Point of you" vs. "Point of view."

    That's a wrap on today's lesson, folks. Well done.