13 Futuristic Baby Products That’ll Make You Realize You Had It Rough As A Kid

    It's a new age.

    1. This futuristic stroller features sensors which allow it to move without being pushed.

    2. This wireless smart scale and changing pad tracks your baby as they grow.

    3. This device which keeps track of how many words you say to your baby per day.

    4. This carseat lets the driver know when the baby isn't buckled properly and also when the baby is in the car.

    5. This gliding seat features gentle rocking motions and can be controlled through a smartphone.

    6. This potty chair comes with a holder for your iPad.

    7. This sensor keeps track of your baby's sleeping patterns.

    8. This cry analyzer lets you know the reason for your baby's cries.

    9. This recliner allows you to charge your device while nursing.

    10. This sensor alerts you when your baby has peed or pooped.

    11. This soothing machine features a special "shushing" sound to soothe babies.

    12. This sound system plays music at safe levels for your baby in the womb.

    13. This bottle warmer evenly heats bottles without hot spots.