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Women Are Sharing How Much They've Changed Since High School In A "Glow-Down Challenge"

"The hottest I've ever been was when I was 18. I look nothing like that now."

By now, you've likely heard the term "glow-up." It's when people have jaw-dropping transformations in their appearance over the years. Most times, puberty is just really, really good to them, like this girl below:

However, TikTok user @gabslife99 recently got real in a viral TikTok video, saying, "I physically peaked in high school. Like, the hottest I've ever been was when I was 18. I look nothing like that now." So she challenged users to share their "glow-downs."

A lot of people related to the video and shared what they considered to be their own "glow-downs" — even though they still look amazing now! Here are some of the most relatable ones we found:

TikTok user @mack_bell11:

TikTok user @pinkellewoods:

TikTok user @aylor_liiight:

TikTok user @happymadimoo:

TikTok user @anitatrzebunia:

TikTok user @carolinekraemer33:

TikTok user @bellabetten:

And, finally, TikTok user @foreverfloow:

If you're in the "glow-down" boat, raise your hand and be proud 'cause you just look stunning in a new way now!!!