This Woman's Boyfriend Gets Pee Everywhere When He Uses Her Bathroom But What She Did To "Solve" The Issue Has Caused A Big Fight In The Relationship

    Let your boyfriend move in, it'll be fun they said...

    In today's "Am I The Asshole" thread from Reddit, we are going to travel back in time to when it happened: lockdown during COVID. The relationship debacle is between a 28-year-old woman (our Original Poster or OP) and her 30-year-old boyfriend.

    u/weeweepadwoes's — the OP — boyfriend decided to move into her apartment during lockdown. Within the first few weeks of co-habitation, the OP noticed that her bathroom floor was suddenly always wet around the toilet — and the sink was across the room from the toilet so she knew the wetness wasn't coming from the sink.

    hand throwing tissue down the toilet

    "At first, I thought it might be water but soon I realized that it was definitely pee. I asked BF about it nicely, and he apologized and said sometimes he has bad aim. I asked him to try a little harder and he said sure," explained u/weeweepadwoes.

    toilet bowl

    However, the bathroom floor continued to be "frequently spattered with piss" as the OP put it. "A few weeks later, I confronted him about it again because I think it's pretty gross to step in his pee several times a week, and it seems like an easy thing to fix. If he misses the toilet, I think the very least he could do is make sure to wipe it up with toilet paper or a Clorox wipe. (The cleaning supplies even live in a cabinet directly over the toilet.)"

    After this second confrontation, the OP's boyfriend said he would "try" to remember to clean if he had a bad aim (which seemed to be quite often).

    So, more time passes, and while the OP does acknowledge that he cleaned his pee some of the times, she still continued to step in splatters of his pee several times a week. "I thought about asking him to just pee into the bathtub instead because I don't understand how you can pee on the floor by accident so often and not notice and not clean it up."


    Then, as it usually does, a last straw was reached. "I got up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night and absolutely stepped in piss for the 12312301298th time. I had HAD it and I didn't want to pick a fight or ask him again since it seems clear he can't or won't change, so I got one of my dog's wee-wee pads from when he was a puppy (he is well trained now), cut it up, and taped it down to make a 'skirt' or mat around the floor near the toilet to at least absorb the piss."

    dog on a pee pad

    Well, the wee wee pad didn't go over well.

    "When my BF saw it, he was FURIOUS with me, saying that I'm calling him a dog, comparing him to an animal, etc. Honestly, I was not thinking that at all, I just was trying to be resourceful and solve the problem for myself since I don't like piss on my bathroom floor and don't like stepping on it. I didn't feel like arguing about it anymore, and putting a material specifically meant to absorb pee around the area he keeps peeing on by accident seemed like a practical solution," u/weeweepadwoes concluded, asking if she was an asshole for doing this.

    couple arguing

    Coming in hot with an anonymous comment, someone said, "Not the asshole. If he pees like an animal, then this is a perfectly appropriate solution. Your bf needs to grow up and be more considerate. This is disgusting."

    "If he can’t aim, he needs to sit his ass down. There’s no excuse to piss everywhere when you’re a grown adult," added u/magicaldesparity.

    woman saying, that's all he does is give excuses

    Some — like user u/Fluuuuubs — thought that the OP has every right to treat him like an animal. "He's been peeing for 30 years, he should have a handle on it by now and you've been more patient than most people would be. Next time he does it get a spray bottle of water and sternly tell him, 'NO! BAD!'"

    dog peeing next to a don't pee sign

    Even men came forward, sharing how they handle their own "bad aim." u/strtdrt said, "I'm a guy and my aim sucks. I pay the price for this by constantly having to get down on my hands and knees and clean it up. I made my piss bed and I will lie in it like an adult."

    man cleaning the toilet

    And parents of teens even shared how they have dealt with similar situations at home. An anonymous mom said, "Last summer I laid out newspaper to prove a point to my teenager. If you don’t want to be treated like a slob, stop being a slob or learn to clean up after yourself. Are you supposed to beg him to wipe up his own urine?"

    teen in the locker room

    Overall, people thought putting wee wee pads down was a perfect solution to a problem the boyfriend didn't want to take care of. "I have never understood why so many straight women put up with boyfriends who do not have a basic level of hygiene," said u/sparklesparkle5.

    dog on a pee pad

    So, there you have it: Reddit says the boyfriend IS an asshole for how he reacted to the wee wee pads — and for not being considerate and addressing the problem to begin with. Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!