Dear Toilet Paper Hoarders: This Viral TikTok Proves That Stocking Up Makes No Sense

    If a person uses 20 sheets of toilet paper per poo, they would have to poop 182 times a day to use up four Costco-sized packs of TP.

    When the coronavirus pandemic hit the US, some people immediately started selfishly hoarding essential items. This left people in horrible situations where the items they really needed were sold out everywhere — like this mom who couldn't find diapers:

    And one of the biggest things people have been hoarding has been toilet paper.

    I went to the grocery store tonight and still no toilet paper, no paper towels & no Kleenex. Makes me sad that the government is urging people not to hoard but many are still hoarding. I think we can do better than this. Please can we do better?🙏#StarfishClub #Covid_19

    To put things in perspective, TikTok user @naomi.corson uploaded a video of her dad breaking down the EXACT amount of poops a person would have to take to use four value packs of toilet paper from Costco in two weeks:

    When BuzzFeed spoke to Naomi's dad, he said the whole thing started because he wanted to teach his kids a math lesson. He's a teacher, so he thought a timely equation about toilet paper would be of interest to his kids.

    Naomi's dad said his parents actually sent him the statistics from an article they found online. "Naomi thought I'd worked out the numbers, but really someone else did," he explained.

    "People are stuck at home and are experiencing rising levels of stress. Hoarding tendencies can exhibit under these conditions. I wanted to release a little bit of stress with humor, and I think it's led to this [TikTok's] popularity."

    SO STOP HOARDING! And, if you did buy too much, make things right and donate because we're all in this together!