"Am I An A-Hole If I Sell My Family Home Because My Pregnant Sister-In-Law Ate My Dinner?" — A Very Intriguing Thread

    The house is worth $2.5 million in the heart of London.

    Gather 'round because we have another juicy "Am I The Asshole (AITA)" thread discussion from Reddit!!! If you're new to the AITA world, it's a popular subreddit where users ask — you guessed it — if they're assholes.

    Today we are talking about a quite interesting situation. The story comes from a 19-year-old female (u/Routine_Junket1040) who inherited her father's $2.5 million home in the heart of London.

    Before her father's passing, she lived in this home with her mother and 24-year-old brother. And they all still currently live in the home (she just owns it now).

    u/Routine_Junket1040 didn't have a problem with them living there until her brother moved his girlfriend in without asking – oh, and she has since become her sister-in-law. She says her brother and sister-in-law are messy, entitled, and rude; They don't pay for things and don't clean anything. So, she gave them a couple of months' notice to move out. It was then that they announced their pregnancy and essentially refused to leave, using the pregnancy as an excuse.

    Since then, she says they all have been a nightmare to live with. "Because my sister-in-law is pregnant, she eats everything she sees — like the cupcakes my friend made me for my birthday. She ate all six, I didn’t even get to try them. I can’t even make my lunch the night before because when I go to get it, it will be gone and she’ll have a smug look on her face while rubbing her belly then laugh and say, 'I couldn’t help myself blame the baby.'"

    However, one day she hit her breaking point. "I didn’t have time for my breakfast or to make lunch and I had to go to work straight after, so all I had that day was a bar of chocolate. When I got home, I was starving so I made myself dinner. While it was cooling down, I went to use the bathroom. I must have been in there 10 minutes at most — by the time I came out she had eaten 70% of my dinner and I literally lost my shit. She started crying and my mom and brother started screaming at me for making her cry, making excuses like how she couldn’t help it and it was my fault for leaving food around her."

    After the whole scene, u/Routine_Junket1040 was done. She called up her uncle and he offered to buy the home and evict her mom, brother, and sister-in-law. After she told her family she was likely selling the home, they were obviously upset. "I’ve been receiving texts and I’m being tagged in multiple posts on social media. I’m starting to think I’m the bad person now," she said, asking if she is an asshole if she sells the home, leaving her family homeless.

    To start things off, most people agreed that the original poster wasn't an asshole — and that her pregnant sister-in-law has been completely out of line.

    "They stomped all over you, they didn't treat you like family, so why should you treat them that way? You're fine, mate, your uncle is the one evicting them not you."

    — Anonymous

    "This also goes further than her eating your dinner. It's about your mother's, brother's, and SIL's entitlement thinking that they can get their own way because of their own selfish reasons. NTA in any way, shape, or form."


    "NTA. I'm eight months pregnant, so you can tell her from me that it is not excusable. I love my food, especially at the moment, but being pregnant does not give you an excuse to steal food or act like an asshole. I would say that it's important she has housing sorted as she is going to have a baby who needs shelter, but it doesn't have to be with you. I think it is 100% understandable you wouldn't want to live with someone so disrespectful and rude."


    If the brother and SIL are old enough to make and keep a baby, they’re old enough to sort out housing entirely on their own. Their housing and their baby aren’t the OP's responsibility.


    However, it is evident that a lot of people don't completely agree with her selling the family property...

    "I would caution against making a decision as huge as selling a home when emotions are high. It sounds like a solid offer from your uncle but speak with a realtor to ensure you are getting a fair offer. I would also highly recommend you get a plan in place for rolling the money into a stable investment that will last, whether it’s a home or long-term investment. Also, consider if you really want to permanently part with your father’s home. You could always evict your brother and rent it out until a time that makes sense to live back in."


    And a lot are questioning the uncle's motives.

    "Because of how stressed out you are and how quickly your Uncle has swooped in to 'save you' from this situation, I am dubious of your entire family.

    Owning a home is incredible at your age. There are also many MANY less tangible benefits to owning your own home that are more than just the value of the property. Security. Freedom. No mortgage. Your father set you up with the best possible scenario to live well for a very long time if you play your cards right. I would not give this up without a vicious fight.

    My first reaction is to follow the connections. Is uncle your mom's brother or your dad's? How is his relationship with your mother? Could they be possibly working together in a good cop/bad cop situation to get you to give up ownership of the house out of frustration? Is uncle offering market value or above for the house? Less?

    Evicting a tenant is stressful, but it can be done. These people aren't your family anymore. They are abusive tenants who are destroying YOUR home. Your father left it to you, so you could have a good start to your life. Not them. Would he want to see you treated this way? You have to get them out."


    In conclusion, though, everyone agreed that messing with peoples' food is a NO NO!!!

    "You're not the asshole. They fucked up. Don't feel bad when people EAT YOUR FOOD."


    OK, the floor is now open to you. We welcome your opinions, thoughts, and suggestions for Reddit user u/Routine_Junket1040!!! Let us know in the comments.