"Apparently, I Don't Have Enough Tact To Deal With A Pregnant Teenager" — This Guy's Family Is Furious About How He Handled A Situation With His Brother's Soon-To-Be Baby Mama

    This is the story about how a steak divided a family.

    You know the "Am I the Asshole" Reddit thread by now. We don't need to explain it. So, let's get into this extremely chaotic Reddit thread where a man kicked out his brother and his pregnant girlfriend because she threw away his steak...

    Cuts of steak on a cutting board

    The original poster (OP) is u/Thro-waway109 — he is 27 and lives alone. His brother is 21, and his 19-year-old girlfriend is four months pregnant. The two of them live with the boys' parents.

    So, the situation started after the OP's brother asked him to make dinner for him and his girlfriend so they could come over and catch up. The OP decided to make steak for everyone. However, the moment the girlfriend walked in the door, she started complaining about the smell of the steak.

    A woman plugging her nose

    "She said the smell alone makes her nauseous and 'she can't eat this.' I tried to suggest an alternative, but she was dead set on Chinese food. She ended up sending my brother to the nearest mall in order to get her some. I thought that would be the end of it, but after going to the bathroom and coming back, I caught her throwing my unfinished steak into the garbage..."

    A woman throwing trash away

    "I asked her what the hell she was doing, and she said the smell was so strong she thought she'd end up throwing up on the floor so she needed to get rid of it. Then, she started spraying perfume from her purse in my kitchen. I was beyond furious at this point and sent her back to the living room. After my brother came back from the mall, I kicked both of them out with their Chinese food."

    "How could you throw away my steak???"

    After the incident, the OP's parents heard about what happened and were very upset. "Apparently, I caused distress to my brother's pregnant girlfriend. I told them that she literally threw away our dinner, but they said that I shouldn't have yelled at her or kicked them out as she's still just a teenager who's now getting influenced by her pregnancy hormones. She also said that my outburst caused problems in my brother's relationship because his girlfriend ended up making my brother sleep on the couch that night (even though he literally defended her, so I have no clue how this is my fault)."

    A couple berating their son

    "AITA for apparently not having enough tact to deal with a pregnant teenager?"

    Well, redditors had one common thought: The OP was NOT the asshole...

    "Not A Hole"

    "Not the asshole. If they’re old enough to be parents, they’re old enough to act like adults."


    "Nope, not an asshole. I’m pregnant, too. My sense of smell is definitely heightened. I would never dream of throwing away someone else’s food. If I had that much of a problem with it, I’d leave. Yes, she’s a teenager. But if she’s mature enough to have a child, she’s mature enough to know you don’t go into someone else’s house and throw away their food."


    "I can completely understand the smell being too much for her; I was like that when I was pregnant. But the solution was for her to leave. Throwing away someone else’s food was way over the line."


    "She is 19, which is old enough to know not to mess with other people's food. Everything else she did is just more insult to injury. If she felt so sick by the smell, she could have waited outside or in the bathroom until it was cooked and you could put it away. I'm sure you would have been fine with that if she had asked. Instead, she just threw it out — a horrible waste of food and completely disrespectful to you. The fact that she then took her anger out on her boyfriend, over something he didn't even do, shows more of her character than anything else could. It is wild that your parents are trying to defend her actions."


    "‘She’s still a teenager’ THEN WHY ARE THEY HAVING A KID? Irresponsible brother and SIL. They can’t even afford a place. NTA for the whole situation, but you could have dealt with this a bit better."


    "NTA — where I live, steak is expensive, and I would be mad, too. If she couldn’t handle the smell, they could’ve left and you could’ve met up with them on another occasion."


    "Pregnancy hormones or not, what she did was unacceptable, and she had to go."


    And there you have it. You have thoughts? Tell us in the comments!