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22 Husbands Who Still Have A Lot Of Learning Left To Do

Oy vey.

1. This husband who doesn't know that you have to empty the lint screen in the dryer:

2. This husband who doesn't know how to match white paint when retouching stains:

3. This husband who doesn't know that you can wrap rolls in ONE large sheet of tin foil instead of individual ones:

4. This husband who doesn't know that birthday cakes should have writing on them:

5. This husband who doesn't know there is a much simpler way to open hot dog packages:

My husband decided to open our hotdogs like THIS #canceled

6. This husband who doesn't know how to use a chip clip:

7. This husband who doesn't know ice cream belongs in the freezer, not the fridge:

8. And this husband who doesn't know that Jell-O is supposed to be made in the fridge, not the freezer:

9. This husband who doesn't know the difference between an orange and a lemon (he thought this was a lemon):

10. This husband who doesn't know that 46 minutes is too long to microwave two cups of coffee:

11. This husband who doesn't know that wrapping a present means you have to wrap the entire box:

12. This husband who doesn't know that bathroom vanities don't belong in the kitchen:

Wife said the kitchen needed more counter space. Turns out this isn't what she meant #husbandfail

13. This husband who doesn't know that things, like cotton gloves, will likely shrink in the dryer:

14. This husband who doesn't understand how the settings on his oven work:

When you attempt a nice 'welcome home' breakfast for your wife and turn the oven to grill instead of fan... #husbandfail

15. This husband who doesn't know that pockets need to be emptied before starting the washing machine:

And *THIS * is why I can't trust my husband to put a load of washing going ... #husbandfail

16. And this husband who doesn't know how to measure the correct amount of soap for a load of clothes:

17. This husband who doesn't know what a "twist off" lid looks like:

#HusbandFail Asked the wife if she wanted me to open this bottle of wine she got yesterday. I thought the cork was a little too easy, 🤦🏽‍♂️turns out it was twist off. Oops.

18. This husband who doesn't know that the new toilet paper roll belongs on the toilet paper holder:

19. This husband who doesn't know that dirty dishes belong in the sink or in the dishwasher:

20. This husband who doesn't know that sunscreen should be evenly applied to his wife:

21. This husband who doesn't know that square plates don't stack on circle ones:

22. And this husband who doesn't know that brooms are for sweeping floors:

I just watched my husband sweep our kitchen with a leaf blower. I can't make this stuff up. #MyHusbandIsWeird