A Viral Discussion About Men Smashing Cake In Their Partners' Faces Has Taken Over The Internet Because, Quite Frankly, Women Are Fed Up

    There is footage of some men literally tackling down their brides just to shove cake in their faces — and it's not cool.

    Smashing cake in peoples' faces — particularly women's faces — has been a topic that has been around for a long time, and it's often talked about when discussing wedding trends that people hate.

    "Smashing the cake in each other's faces" listed as one of 20 wedding trends that people can't stand in a BuzzFeed article

    Well, recently, a viral TikTok video of a mom getting a cake smashed in her face by her husband at her son's first birthday party is generating a lot of conversation on the internet. BuzzFeed was unable to get in touch with the mom, but she did speak to Inside Edition, saying, "I was very hurt. I remember I immediately went to the bathroom, cleaned myself up, and FaceTimed my dad just bawling."

    View this video on YouTube

    Inside Edition / youtube.com

    Inside Edition also shared that the dad backed out of the interview. You can watch the original video — which has been viewed over 7.5 million times — here.

    The video has since re-upped the conversation around cake-smashing in general. In fact, if you search "wedding cake smash" on TikTok, it will populate videos with millions of views of grooms smashing cake in their brides' faces — and the overall consensus is: It's not cute.

    "Smashing cakes in people's faces stopped being funny after age 10 honestly"

    It especially needs to be addressed when men are blatantly ignoring their partner's request for them not to beforehand, as pointed out by Twitter user @Fiyasohollywood:

    "these men are literally tackling their brides down just to throw cake in their face!" above an image of a groom feeding his bride a slice of cake

    Some women feel that the amount of disrespect warrants a divorce.

    "Immediate divorce. Imemediaaaateeee. Would walk right out"

    In the below Reddit thread, a woman admits she left her husband after he smashed cake in her face on their wedding day. U/preppykat3 commented, "There’s no excuse to act like a psychopathic toddler and do this to your 'wife-to-be.' It was meant to humiliate her."

    According to research by Carol Wilson in Gastronimica, cake smashing at weddings originated in Rome where it was tradition for the brides to have barley cake smashed over their heads to symbolize male dominance.

    An old rendering of "The Marriage Procession"

    Today, however, there really doesn't seem to be any traditional purpose other than ruining your bride's makeup.

    "I gasped cuz the amount of time spent on makeup and hair and he KEPT GOING"

    So, now we want to know your thoughts! Do you think smashing a cake in your spouse's face is grounds for divorce? Let us know your overall thoughts on the topic in the comments!