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Tell Us The Surprisingly Basic Thing You Learned Shockingly Late In Life

My school taught me how to play dodgeball, not file my taxes.

I don't think I'm wrong in saying that some of life's most important skills aren't taught in school.

A woman holding a laptop and smiling

Like, I never learned what compound interest is (and still am not sure I totally understand it, LOL!).

A man standing in front of a chalkboard comparing simple interest and compound interest

And no teacher ever stressed just how important my credit score is — and all the things that can affect it.


I didn't understand how important mental health was until it directly affected me.

Two women on a couch holding hands, as one comforts the other

There are other topics that schools don't cover either, like in sex ed. I remember learning all about erections, but never once were female parts explained beyond a period.

Women's menstrual products

So, anyway, I am sure you have things to add as well. Let us know in the comments and you could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!