A Girl Scout Photoshopped Jason Momoa On Boxes Of Samoas And They Are Selling By The Case

    I'll take three hundred boxes of the Jason Momoas.

    Meet fifth-grader Charlotte Holmberg, who might be the most clever Girl Scout of all time.

    After selling over 2,000 boxes of cookies last year, she was given the title of "Cookie CEO." But, this year lil' miss CEO is out to beat her own record.


    But how, you ask?


    @goodnewswendy I have a Momoa on a Samoa! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    Instagram: @undefined

    Charlotte's mom works in marketing. She noticed a meme that showed how similar "Samoa" and "Momoa" sounded, and the idea was born.

    So, Charlotte and her mom reprinted the classic purple Girl Scout Samoa cookie box cover with a large photo of Jason Momoa. Then, they retitled the cookies "Momoas."

    They promoted the boxes on social media and, not surprisingly, she was selling the cookies by the case!


    All we can say is, "Thank you, Charlotte," for this wonderful addition to our beloved Girl Scout Samoas.