18 Frustrating Moments You've Experienced If Your Kid Is A Picky Eater


    1. When going out to eat is a complete waste.

    2. When a sandwich is sometimes just two slices of bread.

    3. When your kid doesn't notice you donated 10 of their toys but DOES notice you tried to hide some veggies in their food.

    4. When you try to make food look appetizing for your kid.

    5. When certain textures give your kid panic attacks.

    6. And when certain types of food give them unexplainable illnesses.

    7. When you make the mistake of using a plate without dividers.

    8. When your kid won't eat anything you cook, but they WILL eat disgustingly weird combos.

    9. When you ask them to take a bite of something new and it turns into a 10-minute meltdown.

    10. When all your daycare reports look the same.

    11. When everything you order for your kid is so...plain.

    12. When you ask your kid why they don't like anything and they get confused and respond:

    13. When macaroni and cheese is your kid's favorite food, but you learned the hard way that it's only the regular boxed kind.

    14. When your kid tells you they aren't hungry, but the minute dessert is mentioned they're suddenly starving.

    15. When you learn that taking them to a buffet is literally throwing money in the trash.

    16. When you have to give them meal supplements just to keep them nourished.

    17. When you pathetically plead and beg them to just take a few bites.

    18. And when that doesn't work, you finally lose your temper.