16 Hilarious Kids Who Did Stuff That Will Make You Go “WTF, Seriously, WTF”

    Wait...why, what?!

    1. Only a parent will know how and why there is a doll hanging out (literally) in this fridge.

    2. And only a parent will understand the true devastation of this hole caused by kids who decided to play on a treadmill.

    3. Only a parent will agree that schools shouldn't create ornaments out of gingerbread cookies.

    4. Only a parent will know just how long a kid can laugh at this four-letter word.

    5. And only a parent will know this means "welcome," DUH.

    6. Only a parent will understand what it feels like to have feet in their face at night.

    7. Only a parent will understand that using your shoelaces for picking boogers is a thing.

    8. Only a parent will understand that sometimes things like this happen.

    9. Only a parent will know that snacks actually do disappear and reappear half eaten in homes.

    10. Only a parent will know dolls play Twister...and it isn't creepy at all.

    11. Only a parent will understand that stuff like this just happens.

    12. Only a parent will know this is a "funny bear."

    13. Only a parent will know that plastic toys do, in fact, get tucked in.

    14. Only a parent will know this is why cleaning with kids is unachievable.

    15. Only a parent will know that sometimes you just gotta let them eat cheese in order to get ten minutes of peace.

    16. And only a parent will know how to properly get rid of the stench of a kid's failed attempt at mac 'n' cheese.