18 Kids Who Definitely Did Not Ruin Your Day

    Treasure. That is what you are.

    1. This kid who placed your keys in a spot where they can always be found.

    2. This kid who added prizes to your chip bag.

    3. This kid who decided to give you a complete room remodel FOR FREE.

    4. This kid who fully stocked your mini fridge.

    5. This kid who helped you work from home.

    6. This kid who gave you the most beautiful manicure ever.

    7. This kid who left the donut just the way you like it.

    8. This kid who repainted your cabinet for you.

    9. This kid who made your Saturday wine and hors d'oeuvre night complete.

    10. This kid who saved you the trouble of changing another diaper.

    11. This kid who made unpacking the groceries a breeze.

    12. This kid who saved you the trouble of actually having to freeze the Otter Pops.

    13. This kid who assured you there was enough toilet paper in the house.

    14. This kid who didn't make you peel the banana for them.

    15. This kid who did your makeup for you.

    16. This kid who gave their friendly head-scratching critters to you.

    17. This kid who made sure you had just the right amount of toothpaste.

    18. And this sweet angel of a kid who plays with dolls so you will never ever have nightmares.