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16 Times Moms Screwed Up In The Most Hilarious Way

They really should give lessons on motherhood.

1. This mom who let her toddler have her chapstick.

2. This mom who put flowers within reaching distance of her kids.

3. This mom who put her kid in time out...in an area right by the baby powder.

4. This mom who tried to load the dishwasher.

5. This mom who put her kid's tooth in a baggie, then used the same baggie to pack crackers for her kid's lunch.

6. And this mom who forgot to get the tooth altogether.

7. This mom who tried to disinfect toothbrushes by boiling them.

8. This mom who thought white pants on a toddler were a good idea.

9. This mom who left the brownies unattended.

10. And this mom who left the doughnuts unattended.

11. This mom who trusted her kid with slime.

12. This mom who tried to make a homemade shirt for her kid.

13. This mom who tried to sew her kid's pants.

14. This mom who tried decorating for her kid's birthday party.

15. This mom who attempted to make pancakes for dinner.

16. And this mom who was clearly just desperate for wine.