15 Questions We All Ask Ourselves Every Time We Shop At Costco

    Why is the sample lady taking so long?

    1. Should I be ashamed that I only came here for the samples?

    2. Do I really need THAT much of my favorite food?

    3. Are people judging me for buying alcohol in bulk?

    4. Is today the day I break down and finally buy the giant bear?

    5. It's smart to buy more so I never run out, right?!

    6. And who decides what items get sold in bulk anyways?

    7. Why am I about to wait in this sample line? Why is it taking so long? Don't I have better things to do?

    8. Do I have space in my cabinet for all this?

    9. Do I even need to bother with the gym after all this heavy lifting?

    10. Am I out of toilet paper already?

    11. Do you think people can see through my sample-scheming habits?

    12. Why do people walk so slow?

    13. Do people who don't own restaurants actually buy giant tubs of mayo?

    14. Is it bad if I order a slice of pizza even though I just had dozens of samples?

    15. And at this point in life, I would be more upset if I lost my Costco card than if I lost my credit card.