16 Celebs – Without Makeup – That You Won't Believe Are Over 40 Years Old

    Hook me up with that skin regime.

    1. Jenny from the block is turning 50 this July. I don't believe it! Someone ID her!

    2. *spits out water* LAVERNE COX IS 46! Holy fountain of youth!

    3. Any guesses for how old Nicole Kidman is? Thirties you say? WRONG! She's 51.

    4. And Halle Berry has a whole year on Nicole. She's FIFTY FREAKING TWO.

    5. Shut the front door! Gwen Stefani is 49!

    6. Angela Bassett is perfection at 60. PERFECTION!

    7. And Drew Barrymore, at 44 years old, looks, IDK, like half that?! Drew, how do you stay looking 22?

    8. Salma Hayeck. She's 52. That's 5-2, not 2-5. Seriously!

    9. Taraji P. Hensen makes 48 look AUH-MAZE-ING. Just wow!

    10. Lucy Lui is 50! The turtle sure looks it, but not our lovely Lucy!

    11. Candance Cameron Bure is...42! Literally closer to 50 than 30!

    12. Gabrielle Union is 46 and I just can't allow myself to believe it!

    13. January Jones is 41 and her skin looks like a baby's. SHE HAS BABY SKIN!

    14. Sandra Bullock loves her 50s and the 50s love her! She is 54, people!

    15. Jada Pinkett Smith is 47 years old, and, let's just say time is good to her. THE BEST!

    16. And Penelope Cruz is 44, but may as well be 4 years old because she looks so young!

    The forties, fifties, and sixties are the new twenties!!!