These Disgusting Food Combinations Will Haunt You Forever

    Ketchup and bananas anyone?

    There are some people in this world who, sigh, just shouldn't be allowed in the kitchen...

    1. Like this person who thinks sliced carrots, boiled eggs, and beans goes together.

    2. This person who started out fine with rice and beans, but then made this atrocity.

    3. This person who mixes applesauce and Hamburger Helper.

    4. This person who throws sushi in their chili like it's crushed Saltines.

    5. This person who serves bananas with ham and some mystery yellow glaze.

    6. This person who thinks ketchup is a good topping for bananas.

    7. This person who eats peanut butter sandwiches with chopped up onions.

    8. This person who dips pears in ketchup like French fries.

    9. And this person who slaps a dollop of Miracle Whip on their pears.

    10. This person who boils an egg, removes the center, and replaces it with a pool of ketchup.

    11. This person who enjoys ham and cheese...topped with peaches.

    12. This person who eats sour cream covered grapes.

    13. This person who eats cheeseburgers with Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.

    14. This person who throws lentils in their brownies like they're chocolate chips.

    15. And, omg, this person. This person who eats chicken stuffed with octopus legs.

    Me right now: