You'll Laugh, Then Feel Embarrassed For These 13 Kids After What They Did

    Kids are funnier than shit.

    We recently asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to share the funniest thing their kid has ever done. Here are some of the LOL-worthy moments.

    1. "My mother-in-law was holding my newborn daughter who started to cry, so she asked, 'What's the matter?' My 7-year-old son looked her dead in the eye and said, 'I'm pretty sure it's your eyebrows.'''

    2. "My son was standing under a tree when bird poop landed on his arm. He licked the poop and screamed, 'This place is AWESOME! Ice cream falls from the trees!'"

    3. "Once in the grocery store, my 4-year-old brother was misbehaving so my dad picked him up to take him to the car. Knowing that he was in trouble, my brother started screaming, 'You're not my dad!! I don't know you! This is a stranger!!' The police were called and dad had to prove it was his son."

    4. "My 6-year-old cousin's mom was dating someone and one day he came up to me and said, 'I don't really like when they kiss. It makes my wiener stand up.'"

    5. "When my daughter was 3, she would always jump on her bed and I constantly told her not to or else she was going to seriously get hurt. Well, needless to say, she jumped and cracked her face on her headboard which resulted in a black eye. We were at the store when a stranger approached her and asked what happened to her eye. She turned and looked at me, then looked back at the stranger and replied, 'I disobeyed mommy.'"

    6. "My 3-year-old was at a large Easter egg hunt and when they gathered all the kids up to tell them what to do, he pulled down his pants AND underwear in front of all the other kids and started peeing. I was mortified and little kids were giggling and screaming."

    7. My 10-year-old son has autism and has had some fascinating interests over the years. Most recently, it’s public restrooms. He has to see them all when we’re out shopping. He also subscribed to the YouTube channel, “Restrooms Direct,” so he gets the latest updates on all things related to public bathrooms. It’s hilarious how into this hobby he’s gotten.”

    8. "I was trying to teach my 2-year-old manners. After she burped, I said, 'It's polite to say excuse me afterwards.' A short while later I heard, 'Excuse my butt.'"

    9. "When my daughter was about two or three, she opened the bathroom door and asked me to come in. When I got there, she held up her finger (covered in shit) and said, 'Look what I found in my butt.'"

    10. "My 3-year-old daughter told a woman with twins in the grocery store, 'Wow you have duplicates! Which is the good one and which one is evil?'"

    11. "I took my 4-year-old son to a port-a-potty and he came out screaming: 'Mom, it's 'sgusting! People just left their pees and poops in there. Thems didn't flush!'"

    12. "My 6-year-old daughter went to use the bathroom and all of a sudden she came running out with her pants down, screaming hysterically. She said she needed to get to the hospital because she peed blue Kool-Aid! It was really the toilet bowl cleaner that turned the water blue."

    13. "I was changing my 2-year-old cousin's clothes when she bolted from the room naked. I chased after her and that's when she ran into my dad's home office, where he was holding a business meeting with about eight other businessmen, all in suits. Needless to say, my dad holds all his meetings out of the house now."

    Note: Some submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.