Kris K.

* I'm a happily single female alien; elderly college student; owned by two Manx cats; denizen of the Northwest; follower of J.R. "Bob" Dobbs and Connie; bleeding-heart, liberal; 20 + year in recovery alcoholic/addict; a womanist, and a life-long atheist. I have also had ADHD all my life, which has made things very interesting during my 63 years, to say the least. I read voraciously and love movies on a big screen. I have a weird-ass sense of humor, and I have very little patience for the terminally arrogant, short-sighted, and mean-spirited. I am also opinionated and rant frequently. I am aware I may not always make a lot of sense to other people, but I have a legitimate, human need to express myself. *

Aug 2009
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