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A Zoo Has Just Allowed These Tiny Meerkat Pup's Outside For The First Time

Soooo tiiiiiiiny.

On January 7, Taronga Zoo in Sydney, Australia, welcomed the birth of two meerkat pups. The pups were the first to be born at the zoo for seven years.

And now, the yet-to-be-named pups have taken one of their first big steps in life – literally – by venturing outside for the first time.

In a statement, their keeper Courtney Mahony said the pups were coping well with the new development.

"This is all new for them and they learn by observing their mum and dad," she said. "Nairobi is letting the pups suckle and grooming them at the right times and Maputo protects them, huddles over them, and curls up with them at night.”

For now, the pups will be venturing out for short periods each day, and practicing sentry duty (standing on their hind legs). Swoon.

Ooohhh mmyyyy gooddddd! Look at their tiny noses though.