People Can't Get Enough Of This Cat's Heartwarming Smile

    Life advice: Be more like Duchess.

    Last October, Duchess the cat was brought to the Adobe Animal Hospital and Clinic in Texas. She'd been hit by a car and had a broken jaw.

    According to Crystal Tate, an employee at the clinic, usually a cat in Duchess's situation would have been euthanized. But the staff decided to take a chance and repair her broken jaw by wiring it, which resulted in the removal of most of her teeth.

    Duchess made it through the operation, and the months of recovery afterward. Soon she became known for her unique, charming smile, thanks to her crooked jaw.

    Tate, having bonded with Duchess during her recovery, was asked by doctors if she'd like to take her home. In November, Duchess became part of Tate's family – and she's been documenting the special cat's progress ever since.

    Tate told BuzzFeed News that Duchess has happily settled into her new home and is a confident sister to her adopted dog and cat siblings.

    While her jaw will remain crooked for the rest of her life, Tate said there is the option to have reconstructive surgery in the future.

    "We are still learning her quirks and helping her live her new life, but we wouldn't have it any other way," Tate said. "Her jaw is still crooked and it will be for the rest of her life, but it hasn't crushed her spirit."