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    15 Struggles Only Smokers Who Try To Quit Can Understand

    When you quit smoking and having coffee as well, because you can't have coffee without a cigarette.

    When you quit smoking and having coffee as well, because you can't have coffee without a cigarette.

    When hearing your colleague will be promoted and it makes you want to smoke. And when you hear that it will rain tomorrow and it makes you want to smoke. When you hear anything and it makes you want to smoke.

    When you don't hear anything and it makes you want to smoke.

    When your friends catch you smoking and you're doing a lot of efforts to convince them you're not quitting smoking. But they know you are, because you've told them last week.

    When you are staring at hobos who pick up cigarette butts from the ground, wishing you could do the same.

    When you light a scented candle instead of lighting a cigarette and you soon find yourself buried in thick smoke.

    When someone asks you “Do you know what's great after a *replace with any activity ?” and you instantly think of a cigarette.

    When you finish a task and wonder what people do afterwards.

    When you chew so many nicotine gums that you become dizzy and nauseous.

    When you put on so many nicotine patches, that you start to look like the main character in The Mummy.

    When you replace the cigarette with a lollipop and you become the weirdo of the entire company.

    When a new study finds that nicotine intake can decrease the risk of developing Alzheimer's and you're quitting smoking...

    When you suffer from the Ghost Cigarette Syndrome: you constantly feel like having a cigarette between your lips.

    When a sexy gal/guy hits on you and you would rather prefer a cigarette instead of sexy time.

    When you feel you need a cigarette as a reward for reading this list.