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    Why Lola, The One Eyed Dog, Is The Missing Character From Mean Girls

    Lola, a one year old bulldog, missed her calling when she wasn't able to audition for Mean Girls ten years ago.

    This is Lola...She has one eye.

    Although she frequently runs into walls and items on the right side of her body, she still is top 3 cutest pups in the world.

    But Lola, who is only one year old, unfortunately missed her calling to be cast in the 2004 classic "Mean Girls".

    Ryan, her dad, is her very own Aaron Samuels.

    Her one eye contributes to her pick of slutty Halloween costumes.

    She has been a victim of Regina George's bullying in school.

    When push comes to shove, she treats her best friend Sadie just like Regina George treated her. She means what she says...

    You Go, Lola Coco!

    Her love of all sorts of food allowed her to end up in the "Burn Book".

    She doesn't know when to shut up...actually, she doesn't know when to stop boozing with her mom and dad.

    While she continues to try to impress Regina, her real role model is Damien.

    Her one eye is not the only thing Karen constantly picks on her about.

    She takes her advice strictly from Kevin G.

    When Lola and her sister Sadie tried to make "Coning" happen, Regina shut that shit down RIGHT away.

    Try and tell me Lola and Karen aren't twinsies in this picture? Amanda Seyfried got LUCKY that Lola wasn't born to steal the role of Karen from her.

    As soon as Lola moved into her new 'hood, she quickly realized she was most definitely the new "Queen Bee".

    Again, her love of food not only placed her in the Burn Book but, it also dramatically changed her wardrobe choices.

    And lastly...bitches love Lola. She can't help it that she's so popular.

    In conclusion, my suggestion for the tenth anniversary of Mean Girls this year, is for Lola, to be the starring role. 'Cause bitches love one eyed dogs!