Welcome To Your Holiday Travel Hell

    Airports are the WORST.


    Except wait - wasn't your ride supposed to be here 20 mins ago?

    THEY'RE HERE - but then you have to slog through this monstrosity.

    After spending 45 mins longer than you should have on the road, you finally arrive at your terminal.

    Where now you only have 30 mins till your flight boards.

    The stupid self-check in machine is broken.

    Fine, you'll get in the ticket line then. But where is that though?

    Giving in, you ask one of the terrifying airline employees for help.

    Who are just like:

    When you finally get your boarding pass, you realize you still have to clear security.

    Giving in you finally ask one of the surly airline guys for help.

    You really don't want to ask this guy if you can cut in front of him.

    But it's the only way you'll make the flight, so deep breath and -

    Most of the passengers are just like:

    Except for that disgruntled mother at the front -

    Who let's you know how she really feels.

    And in case you forgot: the volume of one backpack is equal to 16 and a half bins.

    That is, after the TSA makes you throw out all your toiletries.

    While you're in this upright coffin -

    You desperately pray you won't be selected for a 'random search'.

    And when you make it through successfully, you start to feel like you could actually do this.

    But then this guy stops you -

    And says the worst possible thing, "You're going to have to open up your bag".

    He proceeds to confiscate the expensive cocktail mixing set you bought for your Dad.

    And you just know it's going home with him tonight.

    At this point your flight's been boarding for 15 mins already-

    And you're sprinting through the airport desperately hoping you make your flight.

    That's when you get an email update on your flight status: 4 HOUR DELAY - due to weather.

    Even though it looks like this outside your gate.

    But at least you can take a super comfortable nap?

    Better than drinking at a disgustingly overpriced airport bar.

    Where all these cheery friends/families/couples will be loudly fighting in a half hour.

    Forget about trying to connect to the shitty airport internet.

    And just avoid that depressingly outdated airport bookstore.

    Just try and get comfortable,

    Pray these guys aren't your seat buddies.

    And finally breathe a sigh of relief.

    Because you actually made your flight.