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17 Things That All New Yorkers Fear

Hearing the phrase, "Excuse me do you have a minute for..."

1. Being on this rush-hour train.

2. Getting food poisoning from the hunk of meat that's been roasting all day.

3. This metal death trap, aka the fire escape.

4. Getting sidewalk-trapped by this children/animals/environmental volunteer gauntlet.

5. Losing an eye every time it rains.

6. Having a sidewalk cellar door buckle under you while walking.

7. Delivery guys that are way too intense.

8. Walking under this rickety piece of shit while it's being built.

9. The world's largest store.

10. Cabbies who drive like they're in "The Fast and the Furious."

11. Their personal trainer.

12. Walking over subway grates.

13. Death by waiting in line.

14. That someone's going to steal your brunch table after you waited outside for 45 minutes.

15. That their favorite bar will suddenly one day without warning become:


17. Times Square.