24 Reasons Why Living In A Post-Apocalyptic World Would Be Awesome

    It's all about the silver lining fellow warriors.

    1. Your belief that you're better than everybody else is now actually true.

    2. There's no limit to the amount of leather you can pull off.

    3. Really anything's game fashion wise.

    4. This is an acceptable way to greet people.

    5. Because fuck social niceties.

    6. No really though.

    7. You'll finally have time to learn how to crochet from an alien.

    8. That $300 dollar investment finally paid off.

    9. You're allowed to just take shit.

    10. Alternately, wrecking shit is totally okay.

    11. You can dance like no one's watching.

    12. Money is totally useless and everyone's just as poor as you.

    13. Because fuck doing dishes.

    14. Your natural distrust of the man will probably save your life.

    15. It's never too early to start drinking.

    16. You can literally set anything on fire and it's totally cool.

    17. You can smoke all you want because honestly, something else will take you out way before lung cancer.

    18. You finally have a second to appreciate the beauty of nature.

    19. You get to make the best entrances.

    20. And this is how you feel all the time.

    21. Best friends still exist.

    22. Hugs are just that much better after you've done the impossible and survived another day.

    23. Falling in love is way more epic.

    24. And best of all, even if you die, you might come back.