21 “Physical: 100” Tweets That Prove You Should Drop Everything To Watch The Show Right Now

    Iron Bin hive, LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOO!

    Hello, America, have y'all heard of a li'l show called Physical: 100? Yes, it's essentially a Netflix Squid Game-like reality competition show, but next level.

    Screenshot from "Physical: 100"

    Netflix invited the 100 fittest athletes in South Korea to come battle it out in the ultimate arena of physical challenges. We're talking everyone from Olympic team members, professional baseball players, MMA fighters, bodybuilders, federal agents, farmers, dancers, security guards, pararescue specialists, zombie choreographers, and more.

    i was randomly watching one of gidle’s mv and i just noticed this… is that miracle ??? #Physical100 https://t.co/D6j0jkSffv

    @deestyneez / Cube Offical / Via youtu.be

    Sounds like a million other reality shows (*cough The Challenge cough*), right? But as fans of Physical: 100 already know, South Korea is on a whole other level. We're not just talking about bodies, bodies, bodies — though they are very nice, too.

    Screenshot from "Physical: 100"

    We're talking about the wholesome shit talking and world-class sportsmanship that's imbued the show. Think of it as Bake Off for bros. If you haven't joined the Physical: 100 hive, don't worry, it's not too late. Let these tweets ease you into one of the most memorable shows of the year:

    If you love what you read, give your favorite tweets a like and the users a follow so you can make your timeline a more fun place to be.

    1. First thing to know about Physical: 100: The plot is very intricate and detailed.

    watching physical 100 for the plot The Plot :

    @biukiee / Netflix / tiktok.com / Via Twitter: @biukiee

    2. As one critical review said, "Woah. Nice. Nice."

    Girls, go watch Physical 100, He is the plot 👀

    @HENGNlZEN / Netflix / Via Twitter: @HENGNlZEN

    3. One might even call the contestants superheroes. (Watch your back, Tony Stark, Iron Bin is coming for you.)

    there's no way yun sungbin is a human, he's a monster 😭 #Physical_100 #Physical100

    @mutqs / Netflix / Via Twitter: @mutqs

    4. Seriously, you could trust any of these contestants with your life.

    Kim Mincheol once again proved that he owns hanging. Winning both pre-quest and The Wings of Icarus. "you can trust him with your life" "if that's what mountain rescuers are like, I could go hiking without worries" #Physical100 #Physical_100

    @timelapseu / Netflix / Via Twitter: @timelapseu

    5. And they're just as inspirational.

    now watching physical 100 for educational purposes... and her

    @dongttwin / Netflix / tiktok.com / Via Twitter: @dongttwin

    6. The teamwork is unparalleled.

    this is so heartwarming to see! even though they are not competing in the olympics, Kim Sik is still looking out for Sung Bin. what an amazing coach #Physical100

    @Abelle_a7x / Netflix / Via Twitter: @Abelle_a7x

    7. And the underdogs are strong as hell sleeper hits.

    "jang eunsil's team has 4 women and the smallest men" and the difference from the 2nd team full of bulked men was just a little over 2 minutes. unserious #physical100

    @siljjeung / CBS / Via Twitter: @siljjeung

    8. Jang Eun Sil is a fan-favorite you want to get behind.

    Jang Eun Sil can lead my team all day any day. #Physical100

    Phil Yu / Netflix / Via Twitter: @angryasianman

    9. Proving you don't need to be the buffest person on the block to completely dominate your competitors.

    I love all the women on #Physical100 proving to the men that while they may be smaller, they have every right to be there. When she assembled her team's bridge, stuntwoman Da-young pointed out that safety was more important than winning. She's the only 1 who built it securely.💪

    10. Eat your heart out, Survivor!

    I was so proud of her #Physical100

    @blakeshoh / Netflix / tiktok.com / Via Twitter: @blakeshoh

    11. People are seriously impressed with how respectful all the contestants are to each other.

    A reality show that is still super entertaining and almost no one is starting drama, everyone is respectful, talented and encouraging. This would be a whole diff thing if it was the US version. #Physical100

    Lewis Tan / Via Twitter: @TheLewisTan

    12. Seriously, look at this queen addressing her kingdom. Name one other reality show star who is so gracious and inspirational in her exit.

    'We didn't get to write history like we talked about today, but I saw the possibility. If there's another opportunity, let's write history then. You all did great.' BEST TEAM LEADER JANG EUN-SIL 😭 #Physical100 #Physical100Ep7

    @daheeverse / Netflix / Via Twitter: @daheeverse

    13. Like, you get attached to every single person by the end.

    It feels like the main character dies before the movie ends. Yun Sungbin you did well 🥺 #Physical_100 #Physical100

    @mutqs / Netflix / Via Twitter: @mutqs

    14. Like, REALLY attached.

    what do you mean yun sung bin and choo sunghoon don’t make it to the final 5 after making them the main characters for 9 episodes #Physical100

    @s00uum / VH1 / Via Twitter: @s00uum

    15. Also, it really does have a wholesome and important message at its core with these competitors.

    I think this is what sets #physical100 apart from other series. They were not out for money or bragging rights. They all wanted to bring awareness to their sports and prove themselves. All the while never being malicious or ugly to one another

    @GabySilva143 / Netflix / Via Twitter: @GabySilva143

    16. But don't worry, it wouldn't be a Squid Game-like competition without a handful of juicy villains.

    Me rooting for Eun-sil’s team but the guy who did Chun-ri dirty is also in it #Physical100

    @anthony_gummy / Fox / Via Twitter: @anthony_gummy

    17. There's definitely strategy afoot.

    Kang-min convincing people for an alliance #Physical100

    @anthony_gummy / Nickelodeon / Via Twitter: @anthony_gummy

    18. And everyone leaves everything on the floor.

    #Physical100 everyone: "I feel like death" "thanks god it's over" "i believe that my team gonna be the winner" yoon sungbin:

    @byuldalbit / Netflix / Via Twitter: @byuldalbit

    19. Even if it doesn't get you back in the gym, it'll definitely keep you in front of your TV.

    Yoshi Sudarso / Via Twitter: @yoshi_sudarso

    20. Basically, everyone can't stop watching it.

    Koreans really put crack in their tv shows. Physical: 100 bangs😭

    Twitter: @yuga97_

    21. In conclusion, stop what you're doing now and watch Physical: 100. You will "FOAM AT THE MOUTH."

    Costar: Mercury is inspiring you right now. You can overcome your greatest enemies today. Physical 100: UNTIL WE FOAM AT THE MOUTH

    Jihye Lee / Netflix / Via Twitter: @TheJihyeLee