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    13 Reasons You Should Get A Dog Instead Of A Boyfriend

    Sorry boys. Puppies > Boyfriends.

    1. Dogs cannot answer back

    2. You will always have someone to play dress up with

    3. You will always have someone patiently waiting for you when you get home from work

    4. And somebody to go on amazing adventures with

    5. You will have a constant wingman

    6. And somebody by your side when you are feeling low

    7. You will never wake up alone

    8. And a puppy will never be too tired to play

    9. You can put a puppy in your bag. I repeat IN YOUR BAG.

    10. Who needs a man when you can stare longingly into these beautiful eyes?

    11. And puppies are just as hug-able. Its like your own walking pillow.

    12. If you need time out, you can always lend your puppy to one of your jealous friends...

    13. But at the end of the day you will always have someone to fall asleep with at night