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    Do You Have A Chronic Illness? Join The #ChronicSex Movement!

    #ChronicSex is a movement to get us talking about self-love, self-care, relationships, and of course sex with chronic illnesses!

    #ChronicSex is a discussion about how those of us with chronic illness treat ourselves (self-love and self-care), our relationships, and, of course, actual sexytimes. This chat has come out of the #ChronicLife movement started on Twitter by Britt 'Hurt Blogger' Johnson to bring more awareness to the things that those of us with chronic illnesses deal with on a daily basis, from pain levels to varying energy levels to exhausting doctor appointments and more. It is also heavily influenced by #spooniechat (based on The Spoon Theory) run by Dawn Gibson on Wednesday nights on Twitter as well as Arthritis Introspective.

    The first chat will be this Thursday, December 3rd, at 7pm EST on Twitter, with chats regularly occurring every Thursday evening from 7-9 EST roughly. We'll likely be skipping 12/24 and 12/31 for the holidays with a few other dates here and there canceled or delayed.

    To be clear, just like in any relationship, we'll likely build up to talking sex by talking about loving ourselves (emotionally and physically) first and moving through the relationship bits before getting to full on sexytimes.

    That said, if sexytimes aren't things you like to discuss via Twitter, we have a private, super-secret facebook group too, but you have to add me as a friend to get in (if you do, send me a message as well).

    If you ever have questions you'd like to ask but are worried, feel free to private message me or email me and I'll ask them in an anonymous way.

    #ChronicSex is to get those living with chronic illness to start thinking about ourselves as sexual (or non-sexual) beings worthy of love.

    I hope you'll join us!